All trades are final. You may not demand the return of your art.
To trade your card, post the card you are willing to trade. Give a little information on what you are looking for in return. Members can then post their offers and such in the trade topic.
Once you have traded your art, you no longer have a say in how the original is handled, although you always retain the copyright.
This means, if the recipient of your art decides to sell the original, although this is usually frowned upon... there is nothing that can be done about it.
This is how works of art travel around the world. People buy art from organizations and individuals all of the time, but it is not always sold by the artist, directly. And a lot of the times, the artist doesn't even get any compensation for the transactions. Now... it is ALWAYS the moral choice to check with the original artist before handing an artwork over that isn't yours.
However, mass sales of reproductions is strictly forbidden! This breaches copyright laws unless written permission is given. It is also illegal to claim an artwork as your own when you didn't create it. Even if you purchase the copyrights to an artwork, it does NOT give you the rights to claim it as your own work. Ever. Period.
To protect your work, it is best to register your copyright with the organization in your area. Usually, this is not a free service, however.
Here are a few helpful links.
If you are in doubt about what can be done with another's art, then chances are, you shouldn't do it.
You may trade other's artworks here, but ONLY if the original artist has been contacted.
To trade your card, post the card you are willing to trade. Give a little information on what you are looking for in return. Members can then post their offers and such in the trade topic.
Once you have traded your art, you no longer have a say in how the original is handled, although you always retain the copyright.
This means, if the recipient of your art decides to sell the original, although this is usually frowned upon... there is nothing that can be done about it.
This is how works of art travel around the world. People buy art from organizations and individuals all of the time, but it is not always sold by the artist, directly. And a lot of the times, the artist doesn't even get any compensation for the transactions. Now... it is ALWAYS the moral choice to check with the original artist before handing an artwork over that isn't yours.
However, mass sales of reproductions is strictly forbidden! This breaches copyright laws unless written permission is given. It is also illegal to claim an artwork as your own when you didn't create it. Even if you purchase the copyrights to an artwork, it does NOT give you the rights to claim it as your own work. Ever. Period.
To protect your work, it is best to register your copyright with the organization in your area. Usually, this is not a free service, however.
Here are a few helpful links.
If you are in doubt about what can be done with another's art, then chances are, you shouldn't do it.
You may trade other's artworks here, but ONLY if the original artist has been contacted.