
Ghostie With The Mostie
They Really Like Me!


Real Name
Patti Dunford
Art supplies, artworks of any kind, anything you'd like to send really. I always appreciate the thought. <3 issues...and well, work.
Back in January, I had a heart attack. "There's good news, and there's bad news. You did have a heart attack. BUT It was a small one, so ..." (my doctor's quote) but yeah that sort of set the pace for my year. Right as my health issues were ramping up, my workload ramped up massively. I don't do 9-5 work. I'm sort of on call. But for what you might ask? The Woo. 🤣 I'm your friendly neighborhood Ghostie with all the answers. hahaha, Shyeah right. lol Anyway consults went through the roof, and I started offering a new class and a new discussion group. Workaholics unite! Go me. Ugh. lol Next up, adding one and possibly two Zoom versions of the classes for those who can't be there in person. It's fun. I can't say I'm not enjoying it. But I also am trying at the same time to scale back on some of the other things I was doing cuz dang I was wearing myself out. I got so dehydrated back in May (we're still working on why that happened) that I passed out and bonked my head pretty hard against the wall on the way down. It still hurts and that was in May. Grrf! I told Rene what happened when they took me to the ER I don't think she believed me. (And Rene, everyone decided the pastor's comment about being a gold patient was weird and rude and they can't believe she said it and they too think I'm a weirdo that I thought it was funny.) I won't tell you about the other "fun" emergency room story. Someone said it traumatized them just hearing about it so it's clearly not nearly as entertaining as I find it to be.
However, I am that person who when I or anyone I know is scheduled for a procedure or surgery will go watch that surgery on YouTube, so there is that.

On the plus side, I am getting to do more of the marketing and graphics at the shop I contract out of. The owner has become a good friend and she's been having me help out a lot more on the other side, finding new contractors so we have more options for customers, finding new crafters for items in the shop, adding my own work to the shop, etc. This past week I've been helping her find financing and investors to purchase a commercial property in another state. Don't ask how I fell into that. You wouldn't believe me.

All my graphics lately have been digital though. I have wondered, is it going to be like what's happened to my handwriting? Since I've been using a computer, my handwriting has gone to heck in a handbasket. Since I've been doing digital artwork now almost exclusively, has my ability in that area done the same thing? :hmmm:

Anyway, LUMI (Love U Mean It) and hope to be able to drop in a little more. HUGS!
Wow that’s quite a bit! You gotta keep that stress down… small ones can still be a sign of a bigger issue. Slow down and enjoy stuff.

That thing with the pastor still gets me!
I honestly thought it was really funny. But...I do have a really weird sense of humor...and there's some other weirdo-me personal stuff that made it a little more humorous than it might have been otherwise.
WOW, for me that is a sign to slow down, but enjoy life and make the most of it at the same time! lol We just never know when our time is up! My father died at 56 and when I approached that age I started to get a bit worried! However the ladies in my family nearly all survived to their nineties!! (My mother is 91 and even though she has some challenges in life she is still enjoying it! We, (her daughters), are ensuring she does have a good time, and that we spend more quality time with her!
Look after your health, but make sure you enjoy the rest of it. <hugs>
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