Please take a moment to vote on website! It isn’t a requirement, but it certainly is fun to collect the awards.

Just click on the heart for your vote to count! You must wait 24 hours between votes.

100 – Copper
200 – Pewter
300 – Bronze
500 – Silver
1000 – Gold
2000 – Platinum
ReneKunertArt now has 2414 votes!
ReneKunertArt now has 2472 votes!
ReneKunertArt now has 2473 votes!
ReneKunertArt now has 2489 votes!
ReneKunertArt now has 2495 votes!
ReneKunertArt now has 2497 votes!
ReneKunertArt now has 2503 votes!
Hahaha, that's great!

ReneKunertArt now has 2513 votes!
ReneKunertArt now has 2517 votes!
ReneKunertArt now has 2520 votes!
ReneKunertArt now has 27 votes!
ReneKunertArt now has 43 votes!
ReneKunertArt now has 63 votes!
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